Material and Application
- Material: Made of a thick, sturdy flint glass bottle, a black PP cap, and a black sprayer provides a fine spray mist.
- Anwendung: Perfect for traveling. You can take them to the gym, on a date, or leave one in your car, at a party, bilden, or use it as a perfume sample bottle. Essentielle Öle, Aromatherapie, Körpersprays, Erste-Hilfe-Sets, Hausmittel, selbstgemachte DIY-Sprays, natürliche Parfüme, Lufterfrischer, Parfümprobenflaschen, etc..
Portable Size
Their unobtrusive size allows them to fit comfortably in your pocket, purse, Handtasche, Rucksack, oder Gepäck.
Kontakt: Emilia Gao
Tel/WhatsApp:+86 132 800 38 506