Bienvenido a la botella de vidrio JL!

botella de perfume de vidrio

» botella de perfume de vidrio

  • Descripción del producto

Capacidad: 30ml
Material: Súper vidrio de pedernal
Pulverizador: Broche de presión en
Embalaje: Por caja de cartón y luego palé
MOQ: 1k
Muestras: gratis

Esta 30ml square premium white glass bottle for perfume is the perfect choice for those looking for a stylish and elegant packaging solution. La botella está hecha de vidrio de alta calidad, resistencia y durabilidad..

The blue gemstone cap adds a touch of sophistication and elegance to the overall look of the bottle. Además, the cap is designed to prevent duplication, ensuring that your perfume stays safe and secure.

With its small yet convenient size, this glass bottle is perfect for sampling different scents or for everyday use. It easily fits into a purse or travel bag, making it the perfect on-the-go fragrance accessory.

Contacto: Emilia
Charlamos / Whatsapp / TEL / Skype: 0086 132-8003-8506

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