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Botella difusora de vidrio

» Botella difusora de vidrio

Botella difusora de Aroma para decoración del hogar, vaso de aromaterapia vacío de ámbar nórdico y adorno Retro

Botella difusora de vidrio , , , ,

Functional diffusion principle: los vaso aromatherapy diffuser bottle achieves the dispersion of aroma by absorbing aromatherapy oil and diffusing it into the surrounding air. Usually, there will be one or more slender core rods inside the bottle, one end of which is soaked in the aromatherapy oil, and the other end is exposed to the outside, releasing the fragrance through the process of penetration and evaporation.

  • Descripción del producto
  • Nombre del producto: Amber glass diffuser bottle
  • Material: Glass/Thickened high white glass
  • Capacidad: 30ml 50ml 100ml or cuatomized
  • Color: Amber bottle/clear bottle or customized
  • Tipo de sellado: Polymer plug
  • Forma: Forma redonda

Descripción del producto:

Material: Glass aromatherapy diffuser bottles are usually made of high-quality glass, lo que les da una apariencia y textura elegante, while also ensuring the purity and stability of the aromatherapy oil.

Functional diffusion principle: los vaso aromatherapy diffuser bottle achieves the dispersion of aroma by absorbing aromatherapy oil and diffusing it into the surrounding air. Usually, there will be one or more slender core rods inside the bottle, one end of which is soaked in the aromatherapy oil, and the other end is exposed to the outside, releasing the fragrance through the process of penetration and evaporation.

Decorative: Glass aromatherapy diffuser bottles Suelen tener un diseño bonito y una apariencia elegante.. Se pueden utilizar como decoración de interiores para agregar una atmósfera artística y cálida al espacio.. Different bottle shapes, Los colores y patrones pueden satisfacer las necesidades estéticas de diferentes personas..

Contacto: Es
Email: o
Charlamos / Whatsapp / TEL: +86 16688003718


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